Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Men Prefer Gaming Over Sex?!

A Recent Study from a University in California has shown that men perfer playing video games over having sex with their partners.
Of 100 men, 67 of them showed to have higher levels of adrenaline whilst playing games as super mario galazy and Gear of War compared to hwen they are having sex.
In the test they have 30min on playing games and then 30 min sex, the results shocked the students who were studying the correlation.
From their results it would seem most men actually got more  pleasure from the gaming sessions than having sex.
Most of those man also enjoy gaming more than sex.
18% of the men said they perferred the video game over sex, whilist the other 82% said otherwise.
all i have to say is : LOL! 

Study: Men Prefer Gaming Over Sex


  1. Why can´t there be time for both?

  2. This is a pretty sad indictment of gamer's girlfriends?

  3. They tested during 30 mins of sex...30 mins...gamers are world class lovers :D
