Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Online Player Seeks Real Life Revenge

Online Player Seeks Revenge
7 Month after being knifed in the online game Counter Strike,  a 20 year old french gamer named Julien Barreaux tracked down his online killer Mikhael and stabbed him in the chest! 

Mikhael lived only a few miles from Julien so he decided to pay his online killer a visit.
When Mikhael open the door, Julien plunged a kitchen knife into his chest, missing his heart by less than an inch, a police officer told the courtm he added "Julien was arrested within the hour and told us he had wanted to see his rival wiped out for killing off his character"
Now he have 2 years in jail and also will be forced to undergo psychiatric tests.
Mikhael was lucky to have escaped with his life!


  1. There have been times I've wanted to this to online idiots. :)

  2. Det va som när jag knivade dig ;) fast jag gjorde ju aldrig hål på dig becka ;)
