Monday, April 12, 2010

How About Huge Xbox 360 FAIL?

But my 360 elite is still my nr1 bf! 
som test this site bellow made 

Has your [console] needed to be repaired or replaced due to fault?

360: 42%

PS3: 8%

Wii: Less than 1%

If so has your [console] needed to be repaired or replaced more than once?

360: 55%

PS3: 12%

Wii: 0%

If so has your [console] needed to be repaired or replaced more than two times?

360: 39%

PS3: 8%

Wii: 0%

If so has your [console] needed to be repaired or replaced more than three times?

360: 12%

PS3: 2%

Wii: 0%

If so has your [console] needed to be repaired or replaced more than four times?

360: 6%

PS3: 1%

Wii: 0%

If so has your [console] needed to be repaired or replaced more than five times?

360: 3%

PS3: 1%

Wii: 0%